ONE Harmony
$0.24007296 -4.61%
≈ ¥0.24007296
2021-12-29 23:50:09
  • 24H最高$0.25328046
  • 7D最高$0.28433768
  • 历史最高$0.37937791
  • 24H最低$0.22989362
  • 7D最低$0.22989362
  • 历史最低$0.00123093
市值 $2.75B
-- 占总市值
流通数量/总量 $9.29B/$12.63B
24H成交额 $435.90M
Harmony’s open, decentralized network is enabled through the use of the native protocol token - Harmony ONE. The token incentivizes and rewards a variety of participants including developers, validators/stakers, investors, and community members who develop, secure and govern the network. In order to use the network, users pay a small transaction fee denominated in the native Harmony token. Harmony’s scalable, high-throughput protocol is powered by a native token which is used for various forms of payment and participation in the protocol (staking, transaction fees, voting & governance). Harmony uses blockchain to align incentives of different stakeholders, developers and businesses while allowing them to build open marketplaces of fungible and non-fungible tokens and assets. Furthermore, the upcoming application of zero-knowledge proofs will allow Harmony to become a data sharing platform that can overcome the conflicting problem plaguing many information and data markets: that individual market participants’ have mutual distrust to share data but strong desire to acquire data themselves. The Harmony token will function in the following aspects of the protocol: The token is used for staking, which is necessary to participate in the POS consensus & earn block rewards and transaction fees. The token is used to pay for transaction fees, gas and storage fees. The token is used in voting for on-chain governance of the protocol.